Welcome to Road to Toronto!

Road to Toronto is an event being run by ParadoxTCG to reward one Skilled player a paid entry to the Toronto Pokemon Regionals this year.

How it works:

  • Each week, players will come and play at our weekly Pokemon League. (players do not have to play ever week but are encouraged to)
  • For each win, players will receive 3 points.
  • 0 points are awarded for a tie or lose.
  • Points will be updated weekly on the ParadoxTCG website
  • In September (date to be determined), we will invite the top 16 players on our leaderboard to play in a Finals tournament (date to be determined). Playing 5 rounds of swiss (best of 1) and top 8 cut (best of 3). 
  • Once a winner has been crowned, we will arrange to cover there entry to the Toronto Regionals.
  • Players with "**" have clinched a spot in the Finals Tournament.
  • Players with (**!**) will play a best of three to get the final spot.
Ranking Player Record Points
1 Richard C** 33-18 99
2 Kacper ** 28-11 84
3 Jonathan N** 26-16 78
4 Nolan** 26-18 78
5 Chad C** 24-9 72
6 Nick r** 24-15 72
7 Cooper C** 23-10 69
8 Luke G** 23-13 69
9 William T** 22-11 66
10 Jordan R** 20-16 60
11 Jeff E** 19-20 57
12 Jeff P** 18-9 54
13 Jay C** 17-4 51
14 Journee Z** 17-15 51
15 Tristian O** 17-13 51
16 Jeff C (**!**) 15-15 45
17 Sri B (**!**) 15-6 45
18 Nick C 12-15 36
19 Seth 11-19 33
20 Chris M 10-5 30
21 George M 11-31 27
22 Andrew H 8-4 24
23 David I 8-13 24
24 Miley 8-7 24
25 Robert K 8-13 24
26 Tyler G. 8-10 24
27 Christian F 7-11 21
28 Gavin M. 7-0 21
29 Brad L 6-9 18
30 Murray 6-4 18
31 Riyad 6-0 18
32 Zachary P 6-6 18
33 Connor Vandeventer 5-10 15
34 Ian M 5-7 15
35 Joshua P. 5-10 15
36 Matt O 5-4 15
37 Andrew O 4-8 12
38 Callum 4-5 12
39 Josh B 4-20 12
40 Matthew G. 4-5 12
41 Nick M 4-5 12
42 Rob Wilkie 4-8 12
43 Tyler S. 3-0 9
44 Chloe R 3-9 9
45 Jack Morrissey 3-3 9
46 Jordan Hoadley 3-0 9
47 Josh Titus 3-0 9
48 Karim V 3-3 9
49 Kenny Latham 3-0 9
50 Max D 3-0 9
51 Omar L. 3-9 9
52 Aaron P. 2-4 6
53 Benin M. 2-1 6
54 Chris R. 2-1 6
55 Dan S. 2-1 6
56 Daniel H. 2-1 6
57 Harrison 2-4 6
58 Jesse B. 2-1 6
59 Jessica Tang 2-4 6
60 Kaelee 2-10 6
61 Kennedy S. 2-1 6
62 Niv K. 2-1 6
63 Patrick R 2-4 6
64 Sam S. 2-1 6
65 Tom A. 2-4 6
66 Tre Barnes 2-1 6
67 Tristan V 2-4 6
68 Wyatt L. 2-1 6
69 Filip Sljvar 2-1 3
70 Sunny Lee 1-2 3
71 Alex H 1-2 3
72 Caitlyn O. 1-2 3
73 Cody B. 1-5 3
74 Jacob Koski 1-2 3
75 James Balasiak 1-2 3
76 Jesse He. 1-2 3
77 Jesse Ho. 1-2 3
78 Josh D. 1-2 3
79 Justin T. 1-2 3
80 Nicole Latham 1-2 3
81 Nolan S. 1-2 3
82 Tyler O. 1-2 3
83 Ben M. 0-3 0
84 Daisy Tran 0-3 0
85 Destiny C. 0-6 0
86 Katie M 0-3 0
87 Mackenzie H. 0-3 0
88 Robert S. 0-3 0
89 Shaun A 0-3 0